Monday, July 18, 2011

Home Sweet (Vegan?) Home

Well, almost vegan. Dennis is trying to figure out his food sensitivities on an elimination diet. He's just eating mangoes, bananas, and plain carved turkey.

I'm HOME!!! After six hours of driving back home with pups in tow (I couldn't believe I could deal with them on my own, especially since I've been in a flare-up. They can be very pushy, stubborn, and overly protective. i.e., lots of barking at strangers because they have trust issues, but they're the sweetest dogs ever. End random sidebar.) I'm back home with my sweetie pants after being apart for 2 weeks. Felt like an eternity. I sometimes can't believe we went 3 years being that far apart and seeing each other once a month, if we were lucky.

Today was Day One of trying to treat my body well. Our fridge is empty, the sink is full of dirty dishes, and the blender has some weird science experiment in it thanks to the fiancé, but he promised to clean that all up tonight. Fingers crossed he can do it without me becoming a nagging wife! Anyway, so today I went to get some dairy-free smoothies from the local juice bar, 3 total. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, yum! I also just had some plain brown rice, quite good. My stomach feels a little bit rumbly. It's probably confused with the sudden switch from eating whatever looked good to a rather strict diet of non-processed, whole foods. On my way to healthy living! Woohoo!!

***UPDATE since last post****

Nope, definitely not vegan! Too hard. Instead, we're just trying to be healthy, which is hard enough. We've integrated green smoothies though and they're here to stay. Our favorite is to blend mango, banana, kale, ice, and water. So good, but the mangoes have to be ripe! I'm not even really veg anymore. I still don't really eat meat that often, but when I do it's organic, free-range. I've never really been a big meat eater anyway. So, that's that!

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